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I became a physical therapist because I enjoy helping patients rebuild their lives after an illness or injury, helping them grow from surviving to thriving. I’m running for New York State Assembly 102 with the same goal—I want to help my community thrive by strengthening our economy; ensuring sufficient, affordable housing; improving our healthcare system; and protecting our farms and natural resources.

I was born in rural Pennsylvania and lived in several big cities for school. My family chose to settle in Upstate New York because this is a beautiful, vibrant, welcoming area. I’m not a New Yorker by birth, but I am a New Yorker by choice. Since moving here, I have thrown myself into community service, through the Rotary, the Delhi Beautification committee, and most extensively, by serving on both the Delhi Town Board and, currently, on the Village Board.

I believe that government can be a force for good when elected leaders prioritize service and genuine collaboration with people from across the political spectrum. As an elected official, my goal has always been to seek common ground, prioritize finding solutions, and treat everyone with dignity. My collaborative approach has been successful in making progress on many fronts. For example, I sought early and often to strengthen communication between municipal leaders and community members. In collaboration with many good people, we have changed the tone of discussion around shared services in Delhi from combative to cooperative. This has resulted in more logical and efficient use of tax dollars, improving services for residents while saving money.

I also helped spearhead the effort to make Delhi a Climate-Smart Community. This New York State designation supports local governments in adapting to climate change through grants, rebates, and technical assistance. We have taken advantage of such assistance to weatherize and improve energy efficiency in municipal buildings – a change that protects the environment and saves tax dollars long-term. We can find win-win solutions that address multiple needs and values.

In the state legislature, I will prioritize strengthening our healthcare system. Women in Delaware County have to drive over an hour to give birth. Greene county has no emergency room at all. As a healthcare worker, I have experienced firsthand the frustration of dealing with illogical corporate and insurance decisions that interfere with patient care, and I understand the incentive systems that could draw healthcare providers to our area.

As I’ve traveled this district, some folks have asked why they should vote for a Democrat when New York already has a Democratic super-majority in the legislature. Here’s why:

  1. Having a super-majority means most major decisions are made within the party caucus, and we desperately need more rural voices within that caucus.
  2. If elected, I would be one of only a small number of frontline medical workers in the legislature. As our state considers overhauls of our healthcare systems, it is critical to have leaders who understand how such decisions would impact patients and caregivers.
  3. Our current assembly representative, Chris Tague, is not serving us well. In his six years in office, Tague has accomplished surprisingly little, and we deserve better. Tague’s record—which residents can view on the website Ballotpedia—shows just how ineffective he has been. In the last five years, Tague’s only legislative contributions have been a series of “awareness” proclamations for various causes and diseases. A legislator should be doing something to address such problems, not just talking about them.

Over the next few months, I hope to meet and talk with many more of you about your concerns and visions for our district. I’m excited to earn your vote this November. To learn more, go to my website:

Janet Tweed, Delhi